This document is provided as a public information source.
The inclusion of any specific link does not necessarily imply that Autism
Network International supports the views expressed in the linked
web site, and
the exclusion of any specific link does not necessarily
imply that Autism Network International does not support the views
expressed in the unlinked site.
"The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in
employment, programs and services provided by state and local
governments, goods and services provided by private companies, and in
commercial facilities."
Archimedes Project Home Page:
"...providing leverage for individuals with disabilities through
information technology"
"Research within the Department of Child and Family Studies
(CFS) focuses on prevention, intervention and systems of care
for children, adolescents and their families."
Different Roads to Learning:
"Different Roads to Learning, LLC is an on-line
catalog specializing in playthings for the learning
Disability Links:
"While there are a growing number of disability-related
resources on the web, no one site I have found has them
all. It is my modest goal to provide a one-stop page to some
of the more interesting disability-related sites that exist on
the net."
Disability Page:
"This page is concerned with the many issues surrounding
disability in today's world."
EASI -- Access to Information for Persons With Disabilities:
"EASI'S mission is to serve as a resource to the higher education
community by providing information and guidance in the area of
access-to-information technologies by individuals with
Gentle Teaching:
"This is the home page of a non-violent approach
for helping children and adults with special needs"
Index Page for the Developmental Disabilities Centre
Making a Good Law Better: The Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1995
NCIP Home:
"The National Center to Improve Practice (NCIP) promotes the
effective use of technology to enhance educational outcomes
for students with sensory, cognitive, physical and
social/emotional disabilities."
The Option Institute:
"The Option Institute: Teaching people how to live happier,
more loving and more successful lives"
Parents Helping Parents:
"LINCS is a FREE public service that provides a searchable
on-line human services resource directory with a focus on the
needs of children; condition & disability files and shareware;
and much more."
Seaside Education Associates, Inc.:
This is where you can find information regarding products and
services to assist people with disabilities.
The Sensory Disabilities Research Unit (SDRU) home page:
"The Sensory Disabilities Research Unit (SDRU)
has been set up in 1993 within the Psychology
Division of the University of Hertfordshire to study how new
technologies can assist in overcoming the problems faced by
disabled and elderly people in their day to day
Special Needs Education Network (SNE) Home Page:
"The SNE (es-en-ee) provides Internet Services specific to
parents, teachers, schools, and other professionals,
individuals, groups, and organizations involved in the
education of students with special needs."
Support Coalition & Dendron News Home Page:
"Support Coalition is an independent international
non-profit alliance of 30 grassroots human rights, advocacy
and support groups."
Viewpoint home page:
"Viewpoint is Europe's first fully accessible information
and campaigning netsite for people with learning disabilities,
their familes and carers."
"WebABLE! is the World Wide Web information repository for
people with disabilities and accessibility solution providers.
World Association of Persons with Disabilities Home Page
"Our Mission: ' A Beacon of Knowledge and Refuge for The
World's Largest Minority '"