This document is provided as a public information source.
The inclusion of any specific link does not necessarily imply that Autism
Network International supports the views expressed in the linked
web site, and
the exclusion of any specific link does not necessarily
imply that Autism Network International does not support the views
expressed in the unlinked site.
AiA Home Page - Supported by Demon Internet:
"The aim of this network is to provide support for
families and initiate medical research into Autism."
All Lewisham Autism Support:
"We are a group of parents of autistic children in Lewisham and
surrounding boroughs in South East London."
Anderson/Fodor Residential Care:
"Our curriculum is highly specialization in the care and
behavior development of autistic and other severely disturbed
AANE: The Asperger's Association of New England:
"A new organization made up of individuals with Asperger's
Syndrome, their family, friends and professionals."
APANA: Autistic People Against Neuroleptic Abuse:
"The aims of [APANA] are to end routine prescribing and
represcribing of neuroleptics for asd, reduce current neuroleptic
prescribing for all people with learning disabilities... raise
awareness of side-effects and withdrawal effects, raise awareness of
the non-psychotic nature of autism."
"The IRC channel for people on the autistic spectrum."
Asperger's Disorder Homepage
Asperger Society Home page, Japan:
"High-functioning Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Asperger
syndrome) Research Home Page"
Asperger's Syndrome Resources:
"A collection of web resources on Asperger's Syndrome and
related topics."
Autism Victoria:
"AUTISM VICTORIA is the first place to call for information
and advice for anyone interested in finding out more about
autism spectrum disorders."
The AutiRing Homepage:
"To qualify for AutiRing, your homepage must be a personal
account of autism - either for yourself, or a family
Autism and Brain Development Research Laboratory:
"Autism and Brain Development Research Laboratory affiliated
with Children's Hospital San Diego and with the UCSD
Neurosciences Department"
Autism Conferences
#autism home page:
"The #autism channel is for discussion among people with
autism and other PDD-spectrum disorders, their parents and
relatives, educators, medical practitioners, and other
interested people."
Autism, high-functioning/PDDNOS/Asperger Syndrome
"For families and professionals interested in issues dealing
with the neurobiological disorder(s) at the "mild" end of the
autism/PDD spectrum - some colleagues and I have started a
support group in Fairfield County, Connecticut."
Autism Information Page:
"The header page for a semi-official information page on
Autism, and PAPA, the concerned charity in Northern
Autism National Committee (AUTCOM):
"The Autism National Committee (AUTCOM) was founded in
1990 to protect and advance the human rights and civil rights
of all persons with autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder,
and related differences of communication and
Autism Network International:
"Autism Network International is an autistic-run self-help
and advocacy organization for autistic people."
Autism/PDD Clinic Home Page:
"The Yale Child Study Center is one of the world's
foremost research and diagnostic facilities in the field of
autism and pervasive developmental disorders
The Autism Picture Page (U.S. site):
"If people are to have some idea of what autism really is,
then perhaps it's up to autistic people and their families to
show them. This page represents my small attempt to do just
Autism resources:
"Information and resources on the developmental disability Autism
(including to some extent Asperger's Syndrome)"
Autism Society of America
Autism Society of Wisconsin Home Page:
"The Autism Society of Wisconsin maintains an
office, publishes a state newsletter, sponsors an
annual conference on autism, and offers the support
of parents and professionals."
Autisme Montréal: (FRENCH):
"La Société de l'autisme de la région du
Montréal Métropolitain est un organisme de
promotion qui a pour mandat de défendre les droits et
intérêts de la personne atteinte de l'autisme et
de sa famille, d'encourager son développement et son
intégration sociale."
Autismiyhdistykset: (FINNISH):
"Autismiyhdistykset/ Autismföreningar/ Autism societies" resources by and for persons on the autistic
"The purpose of the project is to
connect autistic people with the services we need to live whole
and happy lives... The project is primarily
by and for autistics, not parents of autistic children, although
family members and professionals may find this website
Bob's Autism Page:
"This page is meant to be a resource for parents of autistic
Center for the Study of Autism:
"The Center provides information about autism to parents and
professionals, and conducts research on the efficacy of
various therapeutic interventions."
Community Resources For People With Autism in Western
"Community Resources was founded ... to assist families,
individuals, schools, and agencies throughout western
Massachusetts concerned with the welfare of children with
Facilitated Communication Institute:
"[The Facilitated Communication Institute] was created as
a way of coalescing the research community, in conjunction with
people with disabilities and their families, as well as practicing
professionals to examine, learn about, and share information on
facilitated communication."
Future Horizons, Inc.:
"Future Education is the only publishing company that
exclusively dedicates its disability division to books on
Greater Phoenix Chapter Autism Society of America:
"... a nonprofit organization dedicated to the welfare of
children and adults with severe disorders of communication and
behavior ..."
The National Autistic Society:
"Building a Brighter Future for People with
Judevine Center for Autism - Southwest Missouri Project:
"At Judevine, our mission is to make a
real difference in the quality of life for
children and adults with autism and their
families, wherever they may live."
"Nimbusgården, Lund, Sweden is a living and
learning center for people with autism."
Open Directory - Health : Mental Health : Disorders :
Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorders
Society for Auditory Integration Training:
"The Society for Auditory Integration Training (SAIT) is a
non-profit organization and is located in Beaverton,
The Society for the Autistically Handicapped:
"The Society exists to bring an increased awareness of
autism to the notice of all, together with well established
and newly developed approaches in the diagnosis, assessment,
handling and treatment of persons suffering from
Understanding and Implementing a Gluten & Casein Free Diet
University Students With Autism And Asperger's Syndrome
Yahoo - Health: Diseases and Conditions: Autism