We are planning an exciting lineup of workshops this year. We have a
number of confirmed speakers and topics. Other workshop possibilities
are being explored, and will be announced as they are confirmed.
Autism Literature and Research: How to be an Intelligent Consumer--
Jane Johnston and Jared Blackburn.
Autism and People of Color --
Dr. Carla Bradley.
Medical Malpractitioners: Self-Advocacy in the Health
Care Setting -- Sue
Balancing Two Worlds --
Jim Sinclair.
Cures and Rights: Medical and Social Models of Disability --
Ron Amundson (via video) and
Cal Montgomery.
Models of Identity Development as Applied to Autistic People --
Dr. Carla Bradley and Jim Sinclair.
On Inclusivity --
Cal Montgomery.
"Speaking for the Disabled"? --
Mayer Shevin.
Parenting and Providing Care for Autistic Children and Adolescents --
Bud Cooney, M.S.
Teaching Techniques for Educators --
Claire Waldron.
Applied work group on finding appropriate assistive technology (1) --
Cal Montgomery.
Applied work group on making religious communities inclusive --
Cal Montgomery,
Cantor Emanuel C. Perlman, C.S.W., and
Rev. Nancy Lane, Ph.D.
Learning About Me (for autistic children of elementary to middle
school age) --
Sue Solursh and
Claire Waldron.
Figuring Out What to Do (for autistic youth of middle to high school
age) --
Dave Spicer.
Learning to Understand (for non-autistic children and teenagers who
have autistic friends, neighbors, classmates, or family members) --
Jim Sinclair.