The FacilityAutreat is held at a 4-H camp in the Finger Lakes region of central New York State. If you are arriving by plane or train, the nearest airport and train station are in Rochester. If you are arriving by bus, the nearest bus station is in Canandaigua.
Things to bring
Things NOT to bringIn order to maintain Autreat as "autistic space," if you are not autistic and are not attending with an autistic person, and if you are new to ANI and unfamiliar with Autreat protocol, we suggest you register for days only and commute from a local hotel. A list of lodging facilities is enclosed from the Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce. The Budget Lodge/Heritage Motor Inn (800-727-2775 or 716-394-2800) has agreed to give Autreat attendees a discount on rooms with two double beds or one king bed. Be sure to tell them you're with Autism Network International when making your reservation, and ask for the ANI discount. (For single rooms, the regular rate is cheaper, so you're better off not mentioning ANI.) If you're interested in finding someone to share a room or to carpool between the hotel and the camp, send your name, address, phone number, email address if applicable, and interest (room-sharing, finding a ride, offering a ride to others) to ANI. We can't match people up ourselves, but we will make a list of people wanting to share a room or a ride, and send it to everyone on the list so you can make your own contacts.
There will be a signup sheet at the registration area listing the
shifts that need to be filled. Most work shifts can be signed up for
when people arrive at camp, but volunteer drivers and host families
need to be arranged in advance. If you are willing to volunteer for
one of these things, please email
Jim Sinclair as soon as possible.
Cost is $15 per child for each half-day session ($90 for all six sessions).
Child's name _______________________________________ Age ______ To register, return immediately to
Autism Network International
You are not required to attend a workshop during every time slot. You
are not required to go to any workshops at all. You may choose to go
to workshops, stay in your cabin, play, swim, go for a walk, meet
other people, spend time by yourself...your time is your own, and
there's plenty of space for everyone.
Evenings have been left free for private or social time. Some people
have expressed interest in getting together with others to do craft
projects, play music, or discuss topics of special interest. At this
time we plan to assign meeting space for an information-sharing
meeting on Monday night for autistic adults who are experiencing
deterioration of motor functioning, and for a participatory music
night on Tuesday. (If you play an instrument, bring it along!) If you
have an activity or topic in mind to explore with other people at
Autreat, you may post a notice about it on the message board to find
out if others are also interested.
Sunday, August 23
Morning schedule (Monday-Wednesday)
Afternoon schedule (Sunday-Tuesday)
Wednesday, August 26
Pool Hours
(Return to Autreat 98)
The ANI web site was last modified Wednesday 26 June 2002. Comments, questions, and suggestions concerning this site should be addressed to the webmaster at ANI. Regrettably, due to the webmaster's heavy workload, personal replies may not always be possible. |